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Are you single in this time of social distancing? Are you over video chat dates? Do you want something you can feel by touch? Touch is a basic human need that you need to fulfill. Practice safe socializing & get back in the game! An American company has found a virtual COVID-19 vaccine for single people to get unstuck from social-distancing & ...

Party like it's 2-0-1-9!

Touch Deprivation is Real.

Did you know several studies conducted in Romanian between the late 1960s - late 1990s concluded that baby orphans who were not touched, due too lack of qualified caregivers, were found to have higher levels of anxiety & depression. In addition, the touched deprived babies developed psychological disorders & were physically stunted.
Another study by Harry Harlow done on primates during the 1950s & 60s also produced interesting results. The study found that when given the choice of food or touch from one of two surrogate mothers, starving monkeys choose the option of comfort contact touch over sustenance by way of milk.
And yet another study conducted in 2010 at the University of Illinois offers more insightful findings. It found that NBA Basketball teams that engaged in more celebratory touching, played in a more cooperative fashion and had more successful seasons.
The point is that humans need touch to function at their best. You need touch to function at your best. And if you’ve been practicing the recommended pandemic protocols, you have not been touching or have been touched by anyone. Touch is a basic human necessity that this pandemic has taken away from you.

You don't have to suffer.

It is time you get your groove back. How long has it been? Can you even remember, the touch of skin, the smell of breath, of hair? Can you remember the physical chemistry? The tastes? Well, there’s good news. It is now safe and easy to get your exciting life back.

You don’t have to social distance. You just have to practice safe socializing.

Professional sports has found the solution. The National Basketball Association (NBA), National Hockey Association (NHL), Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), Womens' National Basketball Association (WNBA), among others, have all been putting on intimate physical contest with no major incident. In fact, at the time of this writing, after bubbles in those leagues were sealed, there have been no positive test! The secret is in the protocols that those organizations use to create and enforce their bubbles.

Bubblesse is the only social platform that is organizing bubbles so people can get back into the game of life.

Drawing from proven professional sports pandemic protocols, Bubblesse...

The worst part about this virus is that it can be asymptomatic.

And if you're thinking "I wear a mask, I social distance, I wash my hands and I keep my group small. What else can I do?" Well, how safe is your group, actually? You could have people around you that have no symptons that you think are perfectly safe. But they might be spreading the virus unknowingly. You might be spreading the virus unknowingly. Have you tested negative? Additionally, there continues to be more cases, closings, reclosings and deaths. Who knows how long this pandemic will last? The safest way to socialize is inside a secure bubble. Bubblesse makes it easy!

You’re going to kill your grandmother!

If you have been treating COVID-19 with a cavalier attitude, just galavanting about without a care in the world. PLEASE, STOP DOING THAT!
You are endangering yourself and everyone around you. While most folks are healthy & vibrant enough to withstand the virus, it is the careless spreading of COVID-19 that has endangered the most vulnerable of our society. PLEASE STOP! Do you. But do it safe. Click & see how easy safe can be!.